Y6 Assessments


· Tuesday 1st, CREATIVE WRITING: No dictionaries, no thesauruses, no help at all. You, pencil and paper. Teacher will tell you the theme of your piece the day of the exam. Point are for:
Handwriting, Structure, Punctuation, Grammar, Vocabulary richness, Spelling and Style (interesting, funny, scary, emotional...)
· Friday 4th or 9th, SPELLING EXAM: 30 words from ALL previous tests. You can check them HERE

· Thursday 10th, COMPREHENSION. For this test I will choose an A paper + a B paper + a C paper from HERE.
**************GEOGRAPHY EXAM**************
Thursday 11th, The Map:

  • The 7 Continents
  • Latitude Longitude (vertical versus horizontal lines)
  • Equator (latitude 0º)
  • The Prime/Greenwich Meridian (longitude 0º)
  • North and South Pole (latitude 90° North or South, longuitude 0º)
  • Northern Hemisphere, 
  • Southern Hemisphere,
  • The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, 
  • Arctic and Antarctic Circle,
  • 5 Oceans (Pacific Atlantic  Indian  Southern  Arctic
  • 5 "biggest" rivers of the world
  • 5 "biggest" mountain chains
  • UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland) + Nothern Ireland
  • Spain + Madrid
************** COMPUTING: SCRATCH**************
This is our work so far: Click me.
Copying these examples is good enough for a C+
You have to create, learn a new Super Scratch Project. USE NEW BUTTONS!!!
Look here for ideas: Here
You have ONE week, ONE!
You will have to do it here in class FROM MEMORY!!!!!
You will have 45 minutes
Surprise me!!!!!!

·Exam is HERE
· Here you can see our class work: HERE. Click on 1 Walking around. Then click on SEE INSIDE.
· You might want to click on the other projects, and SEE INSIDE.
• You can borrow my books here
· You might want to see what people around the world are doing. Click HERE
· You don´t have Scratch? To get it Click here. ASK A PARENT FOR HELP!!!

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