1. Spelling
2. Comprehension
3. Spag
4. Numeracy
2. Comprehension
3. Spag
4. Numeracy
- A. Arithmetic 1
- B. Reasoning 1
- C. Reasoning 2
- -------------------------------------------------->answers: * (be responsible)
Biography Project
A. ABOUT WHO? Chose the ideal character
- Although you might have already chosen a candidate for your investigation, you should first do a quick reading (skimming, scanning) of the, for example Wikipedia article, to see if you find information that will be interesting for your audience (your classmates).
- You can check internet for ideas, like here, or here.
- The biography of a member of the family can be a very interesting investigation.
- A biography is a chronological report. This means the text follows the natural flow of time (chronos). So the classic structure is from birth to death.
- You might want to use a more original and sophisticated approach. You might want to start with his last days (death) and then, like in a flashback, go to the past.
- Birth: Date (during a war, a crisis) Place (the city, the country, rich or poor area)
- Family background (rich, poor, educated,...)
- Early school years (personality as a kid, friends, hobbies, studies,...)
- Teen years (becoming an adult, 13-19). Secondary school
- University (career, failure or success, his marks,...)
- Love and marriage (children, home,...)
- Work (first jobs, changes of company,...)
- MAIN CONTRIBUTIONS: The peak of his career, what he or she is famous for.
- Older age, retirement. What he or she does after his main contributions.
- Death
- You will start by taking notes on paper. You should record all relevant information, making sure to check for the interesting facts.
- Use the 10 numbers above to classify
Easter HOMEWORK (Optional)
Trapped (Nouns and Adjectives)
Tapped II (Paragraphs)
Trapped III (Punctuation)
Trapped IV (Complex Sentences)
Trapped V (Spelling)
Trapped VI (Verbs and Adverbs)
Spells and Words
Fish´em up
Trapped (Nouns and Adjectives)
Tapped II (Paragraphs)
Trapped III (Punctuation)
Trapped IV (Complex Sentences)
Trapped V (Spelling)
Trapped VI (Verbs and Adverbs)
Spells and Words
Fish´em up
Writing Texts
Sweet Tooth (Full Stops)
Lug and the Gant Storks. (Capital Letters)
The Patchworker (Word Order)
Code Calling (Synonyms)
Dragon Land (Questions)
Fraser the Eraser (Descriptions)
The Cream Cake Mystery (Rhymes)
The Sound Monster (Onomatopoeia)
Floppy and the Puppies (Adjectives)
Wild West (Phonics, Spelling)
Pirate (Spelling)
Word Golf (Synonyms)
River Rhyming (Rhymes)
Travelling (Pronouns)
Alien (Punctuation)
Alphabetical Adventure (Abc´s)
Balloon (Conjunctions)
Kung-Fu (Sentence order)
The Patchworker (Word Order)
Code Calling (Synonyms)
Dragon Land (Questions)
Fraser the Eraser (Descriptions)
The Cream Cake Mystery (Rhymes)
The Sound Monster (Onomatopoeia)
Floppy and the Puppies (Adjectives)
Wild West (Phonics, Spelling)
Pirate (Spelling)
Word Golf (Synonyms)
River Rhyming (Rhymes)
Travelling (Pronouns)
Alien (Punctuation)
Alphabetical Adventure (Abc´s)
Balloon (Conjunctions)
Kung-Fu (Sentence order)
8. contr´action
1. Factors, Products and Multiples. II, 15...
2. Area of squares, rectangles II, 34... and right-angled triangles. II, 38...
3. Word problems with 4 ops.
5. Finding out the angle of triangles without a protractor.
6. Nets of cubes. II, 33...
7. 4 Ops operations. With and without magic mirror.
8. Divisibility rules. II, 77... (click me)
10. Operations with brackets (6x4) + (8x3). II, 20...
11. Squared numbers. II, 58...
12. Fractions, Improper Fractions, Mixed Numbers, Equivalent Fractions, Simplification of equivalent Fractions. From IF to MN and viceversa.
13. Data. Reading and understanding graphs: Bar charts, line graphs. ... II, 46
14. Area of compound shapes (combining rectangles). II, 34...
17. Reasoning formulas
to the nearest 100. Click me
you must complete this one HERE
You won´t be able to get this one right HERE
I bet you cannot understand this one. Two Housepoints if you explain on Monday.
Ordering Decimals click me and me (remember the symbol for "bigger than" and "smaller than"?)
Adding Decimals HERE and HERE
Subtracting Decimals here
Multiplying Decimals here
Dividing Decimals here
*Ordering Decimals click me and me (remember the symbol for "bigger than" and "smaller than"?)
Adding Decimals HERE and HERE
Subtracting Decimals here
Multiplying Decimals here
Dividing Decimals here
Line Jumper
Mission 2110
Mission 2110
X with Missing numbers and here
Adding and Subtracting HERE
Fill in the missing gaps (IMPORTANT) ME and ME and ME
Anything missing? Find it here:
2 Symmetry
Line Symmetry
Lines of Symmetry
3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
4 Transforming measurements
Can you find anything here?
What about here
You must try this
5 Triangles
Try this game
6 Data: Pictograms, Bar Graphs, Venn and Carroll Diagrams
Try them all
7 Sequences
Sequences. From easy to tricky
Careful, Sequences can be patterns: i,ii, iii, iv
8 Measuring
Can you measure a line with millimetric exactness:
9 Odd and Even
Want to try this game
or this one
Adding and Subtracting HERE
Fill in the missing gaps (IMPORTANT) ME and ME and ME
Anything missing? Find it here:
1 3d shapes
Names to study
NetsNames to study
2 Symmetry
Line Symmetry
Lines of Symmetry
3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
4 Transforming measurements
Can you find anything here?
What about here
You must try this
5 Triangles
Try this game
6 Data: Pictograms, Bar Graphs, Venn and Carroll Diagrams
Try them all
7 Sequences
Sequences. From easy to tricky
Careful, Sequences can be patterns: i,ii, iii, iv
8 Measuring
Can you measure a line with millimetric exactness:
9 Odd and Even
Want to try this game
or this one
Mental maths: from 1 to 20 . click me
·4 ops
· Multiplying and dividing, page 12,13
·Transforming mm,cm,m,km and mg,g,kg,tonnes and ml,l, and i , ii, iii
· Nets
· Odd / Even, i
Guess my numberY4 and Y5 Computing Assessment
4B---> Wednesday 9th
4A---> Friday 11th
Study the Gotcha script
DATES5B---> Tuesday 8th
5A---> Wednesday 9th
Study The Cashier Script
Get Python
-Reading Comprehension: Monday 7th of March-Grammar Book (from pages 1 to ____): Tuesday 8th of March
-Spelling (from spelling 9 to 15): Friday 11th of March
Geography presentations (6 groups)
1 and 2 Thursday 3rd of March3 and 4 Wednesday 9th of March
5 and 6 Thursday 10th of March
DATE: Wednesday 9th of MarchTEST:
If you want a maximum of Average, study The Cashier Script
If you want an Above Average, investigate and study James Bond Username and Password
Get Python
Geography Presentations
- Where. Continent, country, county/province, capital city. Other important cities. Maps : political, geographical...
- Fact-file: Flag, language, coin, races of its people, religions and beliefs, ...
- What are the key points to this region: its mountains, plains, rivers, forests, coastline, cities…
- Natural resources. Crops, farming, fishing, minerals, petrol, gas, water …
- Wildlife: variety and quantity of animals and forests
- Human construction. Level of Developement: buildings, factories, roads and transport, ports and harbours, sophisticated technology, …
- Level of education (check the OECD report map)
- Political system. Who has the power? Is it fair? Is it a democracy, or...?
- Culture: art, literature, music, cinema, traditions, ...
- Where to visit: tourism?
Y6 Assessments
· Tuesday 1st, CREATIVE WRITING: No dictionaries, no thesauruses, no help at all. You, pencil and paper. Teacher will tell you the theme of your piece the day of the exam. Point are for:
Handwriting, Structure, Punctuation, Grammar, Vocabulary richness, Spelling and Style (interesting, funny, scary, emotional...)
· Friday 4th or 9th, SPELLING EXAM: 30 words from ALL previous tests. You can check them HERE
· Thursday 10th, COMPREHENSION. For this test I will choose an A paper + a B paper + a C paper from HERE.
**************GEOGRAPHY EXAM**************
Thursday 11th, The Map:- The 7 Continents
- Latitude Longitude (vertical versus horizontal lines)
- Equator (latitude 0º)
- The Prime/Greenwich Meridian (longitude 0º)
- North and South Pole (latitude 90° North or South, longuitude 0º)
- Northern Hemisphere,
- Southern Hemisphere,
- The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn,
- Arctic and Antarctic Circle,
- 5 Oceans (Pacific Atlantic Indian Southern Arctic)
- 5 "biggest" rivers of the world
- 5 "biggest" mountain chains
- UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland) + Nothern Ireland
- Spain + Madrid
************** COMPUTING: SCRATCH**************
This is our work so far: Click me.Copying these examples is good enough for a C+
You have to create, learn a new Super Scratch Project. USE NEW BUTTONS!!!
Look here for ideas: Here
You have ONE week, ONE!
You will have to do it here in class FROM MEMORY!!!!!
You will have 45 minutes
Surprise me!!!!!!
·Exam is HERE
· Here you can see our class work: HERE. Click on 1 Walking around. Then click on SEE INSIDE.
· You might want to click on the other projects, and SEE INSIDE.
• You can borrow my books here
· You might want to see what people around the world are doing. Click HERE
· You don´t have Scratch? To get it Click here. ASK A PARENT FOR HELP!!!
History Magazine: The Mayans

ii. A Map
iii. A bit of History
iv. A photo collection
v. Religion (The Gods)
vi. Politics and Power
vii. Society (The different social groups)
viii. Children and Education
ix. Science (Mathematics, Astronomy, Medicine...)
x. Culture (Art, Sport, Festivals, Language ...)
xi. Punishment of Crime
xii Links to Internet (to videos, information, or games) Example: British Museum
Extras (you choose):
- Glossary (Thanks Elisa)
Some cool tips:
1. The Mayans
2. A podcast in Spanish. Another one HERE
3. And the Videos
4. A sport: Ōllamaliztli, and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE
5. Tzolk'in; Mayan Writing and Numerals
6. A book: The Dresden Codex
7. Something yummy: Mayan Cocoa
8. Poetry: The Songs of Dzitbalché
9. Something yummy: Mayan Cocoa
10. The Mayan Gods
11. The Mayan Law
Nature Walk
The trip
As a conclusion to our Geography Unit (Rivers and Mountains) we are going out on a nature walk. We shall start at the Embalse del Pontón and finish at Boca del Asno. All in La Granja de San Ildefonso (Segovia) area, on the other side of the Puerto de Navacerrada. Check here for a Google Maps image of our route. This map is not perfect because we will follow the river bank, and Google´s version follows the road. Here you have more information about our route.
During the first half of our journey (4km) we will try to follow the Eresma River without getting lost. Mr Nelson doesn´t know this, but he will lead (hahahahaha!). We will take some photos and maybe splash a bit. We will have lunch in Valsain.
During the second half (4km) we will pass Valsain. Then, following El Camino de las Pesquerías, we will visit the area we call Los Asientos, we will try not to be attacked by cows, horses, tigers and other wild animals; and finally we will see the waterfalls and ponds that take us to Boca del Asno.There we will have a Hee-Haw (braying) Competition and we will finish by visiting the Centre of Interpretation if we have time, and having a snack in the Chiringuitow if it´s open!.
Here´s a map
What do we need to bring?
As a conclusion to our Geography Unit (Rivers and Mountains) we are going out on a nature walk. We shall start at the Embalse del Pontón and finish at Boca del Asno. All in La Granja de San Ildefonso (Segovia) area, on the other side of the Puerto de Navacerrada. Check here for a Google Maps image of our route. This map is not perfect because we will follow the river bank, and Google´s version follows the road. Here you have more information about our route.
During the first half of our journey (4km) we will try to follow the Eresma River without getting lost. Mr Nelson doesn´t know this, but he will lead (hahahahaha!). We will take some photos and maybe splash a bit. We will have lunch in Valsain.
During the second half (4km) we will pass Valsain. Then, following El Camino de las Pesquerías, we will visit the area we call Los Asientos, we will try not to be attacked by cows, horses, tigers and other wild animals; and finally we will see the waterfalls and ponds that take us to Boca del Asno.There we will have a Hee-Haw (braying) Competition and we will finish by visiting the Centre of Interpretation if we have time, and having a snack in the Chiringuitow if it´s open!.
Here´s a map
What do we need to bring?
- Authorization signed by parents
- Sporty shoes or trekking boots
- A water-bottle with lots of water
- Sun-cream and cap if you are sun sensitive
- Food if you are a Home-For-Lunch
- A snack in case you feel hungry
- 1-2€ for an ice-cream in the Chiringuitow (if it´s open)
- A sweet or two if you think 8km is too much walking
- A camera (or mobile) if your parents allow you to, for the Photography Competition
- Swimming suit on if you really want to splash hard. A towel and clean underwear to change.
- Lots of Love and Respect for Nature.
Any question?
See you through Line of e-mail
It is great you are working so hard on preparing for your SATS exams. Here are some links that might help you guarantee that Level 4, and why not, reach a beautiful Level 5.
·Start with SPAG 2014 ---Corrections-
·Continue with SPAG 2013 ---Corrections-
·An Extra SPAG-Check --- Correction-
You can check the spelling rules that will be used:
A. HERE or
B. HERE. or
C. HERE or
D. HERE or
Play the GAME via Google Hangouts.
Spelling examples have been added, but you should make your own words, because SATS will probably not use the words in the lists.
It would be ideal to print the booklet. The text can be read from your computer screen. And when you have finished, the booklet can be read from your computer screen too.
·2014 Text---Booklet---Correcting
·2013 Text---Booklet---Correcting
·2012 Text---Booklet---Correcting
You might also want to work here: Self-Correcting RC Exercises.
4. Now, play. Try some of these links:
·Start with SPAG 2014 ---Corrections-
·Continue with SPAG 2013 ---Corrections-
·An Extra SPAG-Check --- Correction-
You can check the spelling rules that will be used:
A. HERE or
B. HERE. or
C. HERE or
D. HERE or
Play the GAME via Google Hangouts.
Spelling examples have been added, but you should make your own words, because SATS will probably not use the words in the lists.
It would be ideal to print the booklet. The text can be read from your computer screen. And when you have finished, the booklet can be read from your computer screen too.
·2014 Text---Booklet---Correcting
·2013 Text---Booklet---Correcting
·2012 Text---Booklet---Correcting
You might also want to work here: Self-Correcting RC Exercises.
MORE?: Here
4. Now, play. Try some of these links:
Writing Texts
Sweet Tooth (Full Stops)
Lug and the Gant Storks. (Capital Letters)
The Patchworker (Word Order)
Code Calling (Synonyms)
Dragon Land (Questions)
Fraser the Eraser (Descriptions)
The Cream Cake Mystery (Rhymes)
The Sound Monster (Onomatopoeia)
Floppy and the Puppies (Adjectives)
Wild West (Phonics, Spelling)
Pirate (Spelling)
Word Golf (Synonyms)
River Rhyming (Rhymes)
Travelling (Pronouns)
Alien (Punctuation)
Alphabetical Adventure (Abc´s)
Balloon (Conjunctions)
Kung-Fu (Sentence order)
Trapped (Nouns and Adjectives)
Tapped II (Paragraphs)
Trapped III (Punctuation)
Trapped IV (Complex Sentences)
Trapped V (Spelling)
Trapped VI (Verbs and Adverbs)
The Patchworker (Word Order)
Code Calling (Synonyms)
Dragon Land (Questions)
Fraser the Eraser (Descriptions)
The Cream Cake Mystery (Rhymes)
The Sound Monster (Onomatopoeia)
Floppy and the Puppies (Adjectives)
Wild West (Phonics, Spelling)
Pirate (Spelling)
Word Golf (Synonyms)
River Rhyming (Rhymes)
Travelling (Pronouns)
Alien (Punctuation)
Alphabetical Adventure (Abc´s)
Balloon (Conjunctions)
Kung-Fu (Sentence order)
Trapped (Nouns and Adjectives)
Tapped II (Paragraphs)
Trapped III (Punctuation)
Trapped IV (Complex Sentences)
Trapped V (Spelling)
Trapped VI (Verbs and Adverbs)
8. contr´action
1. Factors, Products and Multiples. II, 15...
2. Area of squares, rectangles II, 34... and right-angled triangles. II, 38...
3. Word problems with 4 ops.
5. Finding out the angle of triangles without a protractor.
6. Nets of cubes. II, 33...
7. 4 Ops operations. With and without magic mirror.
8. Divisibility rules. II, 77... (click me)
10. Operations with brackets (6x4) + (8x3). II, 20...
11. Squared numbers. II, 58...
12. Fractions, Improper Fractions, Mixed Numbers, Equivalent Fractions, Simplification of equivalent Fractions. From IF to MN and viceversa.
13. Data. Reading and understanding graphs: Bar charts, line graphs. ... II, 46
14. Area of compound shapes (combining rectangles). II, 34...
17. Reasoning formulas
to the nearest 100. Click me
you must complete this one HERE
You won´t be able to get this one right HERE
I bet you cannot understand this one. Two Housepoints if you explain on Monday.
Ordering Decimals click me and me (remember the symbol for "bigger than" and "smaller than"?)
Adding Decimals HERE and HERE
Subtracting Decimals here
Multiplying Decimals here
Dividing Decimals here
*Ordering Decimals click me and me (remember the symbol for "bigger than" and "smaller than"?)
Adding Decimals HERE and HERE
Subtracting Decimals here
Multiplying Decimals here
Dividing Decimals here
Line Jumper
Mission 2110
Mission 2110
X with Missing numbers and here
Adding and Subtracting HERE
Fill in the missing gaps (IMPORTANT) ME and ME and ME
Anything missing? Find it here:
2 Symmetry
Line Symmetry
Lines of Symmetry
3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
4 Transforming measurements
Can you find anything here?
What about here
You must try this
5 Triangles
Try this game
6 Data: Pictograms, Bar Graphs, Venn and Carroll Diagrams
Try them all
7 Sequences
Sequences. From easy to tricky
Careful, Sequences can be patterns: i,ii, iii, iv
8 Measuring
Can you measure a line with millimetric exactness:
9 Odd and Even
Want to try this game
or this one
Adding and Subtracting HERE
Fill in the missing gaps (IMPORTANT) ME and ME and ME
Anything missing? Find it here:
1 3d shapes
Names to study
NetsNames to study
2 Symmetry
Line Symmetry
Lines of Symmetry
3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
4 Transforming measurements
Can you find anything here?
What about here
You must try this
5 Triangles
Try this game
6 Data: Pictograms, Bar Graphs, Venn and Carroll Diagrams
Try them all
7 Sequences
Sequences. From easy to tricky
Careful, Sequences can be patterns: i,ii, iii, iv
8 Measuring
Can you measure a line with millimetric exactness:
9 Odd and Even
Want to try this game
or this one
Mental maths: from 1 to 20 . click me
·4 ops
· Multiplying and dividing, page 12,13
·Transforming mm,cm,m,km and mg,g,kg,tonnes and ml,l, and i , ii, iii
· Nets
· Odd / Even, i
Guess my number
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